Revival Truth – We Need Him!

It is not the size of a crowd that starts revival.  It is the presence of just one person that brings about a revival.  Whatever the size of the gathering it is the presence of God that will ultimately draw the lost to salvation, the prodigals to come home, fill the Church with glory and joy and change a nation.  As we read about the history of God’s work in revival from Pentecost to the Jesus people revival, we see the truth that it is never a grand event that starts a movement of God.  It was 120 at Pentecost waiting, praying, hungry for more in an upper room. It was Luther choosing truth over religion.  It was Wesley set on fire by God for lost souls.  It was Finney baptized in the Spirit consumed with the Word of God. It was a small group devoted in prayer at Azusa Street. It is the presence of God that lights a flame in believers first and then a crowd is drawn to the virtue, power and love of God.

I want to be a place where God wants to abide.  I want to be with a people with whom God wants to dwell.  It gives me great hope that our Father is so humble and gentle that He will look for the heart that is wholly given over to Him as a place to come and live.  I do not need to be the smartest, the wisest or have the greatest speaking gift.  I simply need to be all in for Him.

We do not need to have perfect services.  We do not need to compete with the world for the quality of our presentations.  While it is never wrong to do a good job, the one thing that we must have is His presence.  Oh, dear friends, let’s put our best effort into our heart’s cry to deal with anything that keeps Him away from us.  Confess any known sin.  Turn over your work and wealth to His leading.  Invite Him into your home!  Make your church service about Him, for Him and to Him.   I guarantee that the love and grace He brings will do more to convert and save this lost nation than anything else we do.  Come Lord Jesus, Come!