How to Become a Good Man!?

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Or “If you want to be a good man you have to hang-out with good men.” Most of us have had the privilege of knowing and relating to someone we would call a really good man.  Not just a gifted man ... Read More

A Time to Pray

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Good day to you all.  As I read the Old Testament stories about the children of Israel I see a repeated theme.  The people of God fall into apathy, pride and sin and a foreign army comes to attack t... Read More

Abundant Life In Christ

Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” Coming into salvation is well described as entering a doorway into a whole new way of living. You change what you are doing, wh... Read More

Mercy and Grace to You!

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Mercy = loving kindness, forgiveness and good will towards us. Grace = joy, liberality, kindness, favor, blessings, gifts and rewards to us. God longs to exchange our brokenness and pain for His grace... Read More

It is Enough!

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Have you ever felt like you were not good enough?  Worse still, do you treat yourself like you are not good enough? When we look at the person of Jesus Christ we see someone who welcomes anyone who c... Read More

The Currency of Heaven

Webster’s dictionary defines currency as a “medium of exchange” or the “money a country uses.”  Would it surprise you to know that heaven has a currency?  Yes, it does and you have probabl... Read More

Come to Me and rest!

I can remember taking my daughter to Magic Mountain.  She was too small to ride the most of the adult rides and roller coasters. My wife is fond of calling these big coasters the “Happy go pukey ri... Read More

The Gift of Time

Just before Christmas my wife and I were exiting a local mall and a man was standing on the corner with a cardboard and marker sign requesting work, due to his need.  My sweet wife pointed him out to... Read More

Risk Motivated by Love

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Galatians 5:6 “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” I love the last phrase of that verse,... Read More