God is Looking for His Watchmen

Isaiah 62:6

I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem;

they will never be silent day or night.

You who call on the Lord,

give yourselves no rest,

and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem

and makes her the praise of the earth.

God wants all of His children to partner with Him to establish His new Jerusalem.  Jerusalem here is both a picture of the perfect city of God that will one day be established; it is also a picture of His Church, His people effectively making manifest His Kingdom on this earth.  We are to be a people who labor night and day crying out to God to pour out His Holy Spirit.  Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, here on earth, just like it is in heaven!

There are few verses in the Scripture that I feel that paints a picture of my ministry as an intercessor better than this one.  As far as my calling is concerned, this verse sums it up well.  In fact, the whole of Isaiah 62 is an amazing picture of the coming Messiah and His Kingdom that I am so glad to be laboring to usher in. This verse is a beautiful picture of the call to cry out day and night until His Kingdom is fully manifest.   

Dear fellow watchman, will you take up the call?  Start where you are.  Five minutes in the morning asking our Father to glorify Himself in the pouring out of His Kingdom in our world.  Five minutes at night asking our Father to establish His rule and reign in your world. Stopping to cry out, to raise the alarm to heaven whenever you see the enemy attacking.  Take up your call children of God and cry out in prayer!