Do You Know God?

My wife and I have a wonderful relationship.  We know one another’s habits, emotions, desires and character.  Is it possible to know God in that way?  I believe that it is, in fact I believe that marriage is the exact model, or picture of how God wants to know each human being.  The great final illustration of heaven recorded in the Bible is the marriage feast between Christ and His bride, and that is you and I.

Do you know God?  Do you have a personal relationship with Him? Do you know His ways, His habits, His emotions and character?  You can!  You really can!

The first thing I would say to you is believe that you can!  Jesus says this about His followers in the 10th chapter of John: John 10:27, My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

Jesus summarizes the relationship he wants to have by saying that it will be conversational.  We will be hearing each other speak, and going on in close relationship. This relationship is based on faith.  That is a personal choice and belief to take God at His word and trust him.  The main reason for this is that God is so powerful and amazing that if He were to simply show us His presence in a direct way we would have no choice but to fall on our faces and adore His majesty and power.  God does not want a relationship based on force, that is prison – not marriage.

Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

So, He reveals Himself in subtler ways.  From the majesty of creation to the beauty of a humble peasant who gives Himself on the cross for our sins.

If you read the Bible you will discover that God is out to have a real relationship with real people.  He came down from heaven and built a temple all for the purpose of getting to know His people.  This led to Him coming to earth as a man in Jesus Christ, just so he could have relationship with His people.  Remember how costly this was for Him.  Jesus had to die on the cross to remove all the consequences of our sin and brokenness so He could have a bride to marry, a people to be in the deepest love with.  That is you and me.  Realize it, believe it, that God wants to have a personal, conversational, loving relationship with you.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

God worked very hard through His people to give us the Bible so that we would have an objective way to come into personal relationship with Him.  Take these words that I have printed here and ask afresh for this relationship to grow. Make it your focus to know God, to love God, to hear His voice, to know His character.  As you do, your eyes will be opened to the thousands of ways He is working in this world; in spite of all the brokenness and evil brought about by broken people.

Do you know God? You can! He longs to have a personal and loving relationship with you.

Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.