What Will Be The Fruit Of Your Life In This Season?

1 Peter 1:6-7 “…Though now for a little while you may have  had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.  These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

This verse tells us that the fruit of our suffering, if done in faith and trust to our Father, will bring praise, glory and honor to our God.  You may not realize this, but you will receive praise, glory and honor as well as your Savior. You will share together with Christ in the fruits of your labor and sacrifice.  Living in faith, even in the midst of pandemic, brings glory to God.

For example:  If you give thanks in all these circumstances, in spite of the way you feel, Jesus will be glorified and so will you one day.  If you love someone who voted differently than you did, or if you care for someone who has come into want in this season of business closure, Jesus will be glorified and so will you.  

While I am not wanting to make your glory the focus of your faith, I am saying that as you bring glory to Christ you will share in it with Him.  He will say, “Well done my dearly loved son, daughter, come and enjoy the beauty and glory of your Father.”  He is our Father, Brother, Savior and Friend.  When He is glorified by our lives we directly receive the joy and overflow of that moment because we are in living relationship with Him.  We are in the same business, have the same goal, and when He wins, we win!  What is even more fun is that the praise is unique and personal.  Only your life can honor Christ the way your life can.  So, let’s fix our eyes on Jesus and seek to bring Him all the glory in the world.  When He wins, we win!