Spiritual Direction

Appointment Link: To join an S. D. meeting with David click the link below at your appointed time: https://novo.zoom.us/j/523644832


Considering Spiritual Direction? If greater relationship and intimacy with God is a desire of your heart, then Spiritual Direction could be what you have been praying for.


Spiritual Direction: What is it?

Spiritual Direction is the help given by one Christian to another which enables that person to pay attention to God’s personal communication to him or her, to then respond and grow in personal intimacy with God.


About Pastor David:

Pastor David is a certified Spiritual Director with ESDA, Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association. With more than 40 years of pastoral experience and a depth of intimacy with the Lord, David has years of experience studying, receiving and giving Spiritual Direction and is an effective and Spirit-led director.

If you are interested in receiving direction, or simply wish to know more about it, feel free to send an email to David at [email protected].

Is there a cost?  Besides the cost of your time, David does not charge a fee.  He does however, ask you to prayerfully consider joining in supporting his work.  As a faith-based missionary/pastor, David raises his financial and prayerful support through the grace of God and faith filled partners in the ministry.