Galatians 5:6
“For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.”
I love the last phrase of that verse, “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.”
My heart really perks up when I hear the Apostle Paul making such a radical statement. This guy was a truly deep thinker and this kind of categorical summary really seems radical to me.
The only thing that counts! Wow that really eliminates a lot of stuff from counting. To be honest and correct, the verse does have a context and context is very important to correctly understanding any verse in the Bible or any word that God may speak to you.
Here in Galatians Paul is working to correct a city church that has turned away from the true Gospel to follow a false gospel of trying to be right with God by religious works. Paul is warning and challenging them to get back to faith in Christ and the heart of the true Gospel. In that context he makes this radical summary calling them to turn away from a religious ceremonial approach to God that is dead and turn toward the heart of the real Gospel, which is faith in the mercy of Christ that expresses itself through the love of God
Is my life a manifestation of faith working through love?
If this verse is accurate then a real test of what I value is – am I spending my life in faith inspired acts of love? Wow! Maybe I should back off that question. It scares me to think of the answer I might find.
John Wimber, who was the founder of the Vineyard movement, which I am a part of, always said that faith is spelled RISK. He would tell stories about taking a risk in some situation of ministry and know that that was faith.
So, a great question is this: Am I taking risks motivated by love? In my Christian life am I taking risks inspired by the love of God? Paul would say that this is the only thing that really counts.
The Apostle John in his 1st epistle says this, “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.” We know that it was because of love that Jesus came to earth (John 3:16). So, we see Jesus going about doing works of faith, inspired by love, targeting anything that had to do with the stealing, killing and destroying that are the common works of the devil.
Is my life focused with clarity on doing just that? I believe that Paul would say that is what really counts. Well in my own life, I am honestly just starting to get really clear about this.
Good news ~ God never shames or remembers our past failure! He wants us to choose the best path from here on out and He is excited and full of joy over His kids any time we start embracing and acting like His Son Jesus.
It starts with faith, a focus on God and with love! Am I keeping my eyes on my loving God and taking risks to destroy the lies, darkness and death that the enemy is working all around me?
Father, please fill my heart with the love you have for me, and show me the love you have for those around me.
Father, you have given me the authority and commission to take risks of love today. Please fill me with that love that motivates and empowers the best of your will.