Prayer is Partnering With God

Right now, our nation needs God more than ever. It starts with His Church inviting His work and presence through prayer.  Many people don’t believe that prayer to God our Father, through His Son Jesus, is powerful and effective.  This is seen in the fact that many don’t spend any real time in prayer.
If you are in Christ, you are a son or daughter of the King of the Universe.  He made you in His image and gave you authority over this creation.  Now, in our free will, we have a choice to make daily: will I join God in releasing His will and Kingdom on this earth?  Will I pray for what He wants done?
God, having given you and I authority and commission chooses to, wants to do, most of His work with you and I.  God wants to work through His people! That means He is hungry for partners who will join Him and fight in prayer for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
In 1 Kings 18 the prophet Elijah had to pray 7 times before the rains came to Israel.  God was guiding Elijah, yet he had to pray 7 times to see God’s will come. All through the Scripture you see God respecting and encouraging our authority and responsibility to pray and act.  Your prayers will form and release what you do with God, or don’t do.  
God is eager to bring his Kingdom to this troubled world.  People of God, He wants to partner with you to bring His Kingdom here on earth just as it is in heaven.  Let’s pray!