Come to Me and rest!

I can remember taking my daughter to Magic Mountain.  She was too small to ride the most of the adult rides and roller coasters. My wife is fond of calling these big coasters the “Happy go pukey rides.”  So, we found and got onto one of those fast rides that whipped you around in circles while going up and down that had no height limit. This was not in the kiddie part of the park.  As the ride began she became frightened, then started to cry. I was watching this progression as were facing each other in the ride seating. I managed to get her to look at me, I was waving my hands in the air and shouting “this is fun.”  As soon as she saw my face she began to relax, to smile, then to laugh. She ended the ride in a completely different place because she was aware of and comforted by my presence assuring her this was okay and fun.

Life has many turbulent rides, but as soon as we become aware that we are truly not alone, but with someone who is gentle, caring and comforting everything changes!

Jesus Christ reveals himself as the God of love and compassion. He approaches each of us with a kindness and genuine humility that is completely disarming, even stunning when we realize just a little of all that He is.

Jesus calls out to us: “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29

This is so much more than a nice greeting card line.  Jesus invites us to come to Him, take His yoke upon us and learn from Him.  The end result is true rest.

Rest is not the absence of labor, but the presence of a true peace and contentment that no one else can give.  We can spend millions on the nicest stuff, best vacations, the most delicious food, and the sweetest pampering imaginable and still have no real peace or contentment.  Just read a few of the stories about lottery winners and you see what I mean.

However, we can be in the middle of life’s most difficult ride with Jesus and true rest can be ours!  I want to invite you to come to Jesus and rest.  Take these words in Matthew and begin to pray through them daily and see what Christ may speak to you.

We at The Oak want to be a place of and extend the rest of Christ into the lives of all we can.  May Christ teach you His wonderful rest.